A downloadable game for Windows


You've just opened your new bar to the public, and the place is packed! You're the life of the party, since you're the owner and all... If someone isn't trying to knock glasses with you, they're trying to get a refill! Best not mix them up, though....



1. Press Button 1 to fill a customer's empty glass. (A for P1, K for P2)
2. Press Button 2 to toast with a customer. (S for P1, L for P2)


I saw this game jam last week, but it didn't really interest me at the time. The thought of getting my game played overseas and featured in a bar was certainly quite cool (even though I'm allergic to beer myself), but I couldn't think up of a good idea.

Until 8 hours before the deadline.

So yeah, managed to churn this out in 8-ish hours. Thankfully having little to no sound was recommended! I'll definitely do a bit of polishing, if that's allowed, but otherwise, the game is feature-complete!

UPDATE: New version just looks a bit prettier in some places, and the flow's a bit smoother. Nothing big.

UPDATE: Now in fullscreen. Esc brings you back to the main menu, Esc in the main menu quits the game.



Grand Opening 1.2.zip 2.2 MB

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